"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"

Agnes Repplier

"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sledding with Trevor and Izack!

My sister brought her boys over the day after Christmas to go sledding! It was so much fun and I can't believe how incredibly daring Trevor and Izack are. They were asking for an "extra push" down the hill with the jump at the bottom. They both would fly through the air and laugh until they cried when they landed! Wayne and I took a few rides down as well, but the little silver bullet sled didn't seem to work as well for us!

Christmas with Wayne's Dad!

Wayne's dad and step-mom, Jennifer, are the nicest people in the world! They let us live with them for 3 months when Wayne was out of work a few years ago. I wanted to give them something special for all the meals and wonderful hospitality they provided us. I gave them the same picture of the kids and grandkids as I did with Debbie. Wayne's parents are divorced and both re-married so I thought the picture was a great idea! Paul opened it with a big smile on his face!

Totally Awsome Christmas!!!

I decided to do a cartoon drawing of all the kids/grandkids in Wayne's family as a gift to Debbie, Gery, Paul, and Jennifer. The picture took about 140 hours to complete and was the biggest project I have ever created! Gery and Debbbie just loved it! The whole family enjoyed looking at it and picking out who was who. I was so anxious and excited to have them open it! It is going to be pretty hard to top this gift next year!

Yeah, He's Pretty Tuff!

Santa brought our nephew Josh a guitar for Christmas...he immediately found himself to be a puck rocker! He would walk around holding the guitar and posing for us all so we could take sweet action photos! At Christmas dinner he made us all stop and listen to him "play" a song and sing. He is wicked awsome! :)

Merry Christmas Brittan!

This year I gave my creativity and talents as Christmas gifts. Our neice Brittan has always loved fairies and is a very talented dancer! I decided to draw her as a fairy and gie it to her as a gift. She opened it and knew what and who it was right away! She was SOOO excited and showed everyone in the family! I am so happy that she enjoyed it so much!

Sabrina's New Boy!

While we were away in Colorado, Wayne's sister Sabrina gave birth to a darling baby boy named Levi! We had never seen him until Christmas so we were anxious to hold him! He is a very happy baby and has the cutest, chubbiest cheeks you have ever seen in your life!

Christmas Eve and the Nativity...

Wayne's nieces and nephews dress up for the Nativity on Christmas Eve. "Mary" was Brittan, and was holding our newest nephew Levi who filled in for the Baby Jesus. Bentley is down in the front to the right (with the green lollipop). He was pretty upset to be dressed up like a shepherd at first, but everyone started taking pictures and laughing to that seemed to cheer him up a bit!

Christmas with the Dogs!

Sam made the long road trip to Salt Lake with us. He enjoyed a nice comfy bed in the back of our Exterra the entire 9 hour drive. He absolutely LOVED playing with my mom's yellow lab Hemi! (Hemi is on the left and Sam is on the right). They ran each other ragged until they just couldn't run anymore!

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

We made it to Salt Lake on Christmas Eve around 1pm. Around 6pm it started to snow like crazy and didn't stop until the Friday after Christmas! We don't get too much snow in the Springs so it was nice to get a taste while back home. I took a picture of the snow for a co-worker back home...she really couldn't believe we got that much snow!

Christmas in Salt Lake! 2008

This year for Christmas Wayne and I drove back to spend time with the fam in Salt Lake. It was so great to see everyone and catch up on what we have been missing out on! I miss my nephews terribly...as you can see they miss me too! I received a HUGE bear hug from Trevor while playing the wii with him!