"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"
Agnes Repplier
"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."
Agnes Repplier
"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thumbs Up! I made it to the Top of the Incline!
We Made It To The Top!
Here's the gang I went with...(starting with the upper left lady in the black sweater) Kim, Judy's daughter "Kinzie" (in green), Judy, and me on the far right. Judy and I stayed together the entire time and took a lot of breathing breaks! This group (along with Kim's husband who isn't in this picture) does the incline about every other Saturday and offered to let me tag along whenever I want to. I think this will be good training for when Wayne and I hike up the summit of Pike's Peak next Summer!
Look How Far we Went....And We are STILL Not at the Top!
I took this photo to kind of motiviate me during a "I want to Vomit" break! you can see the grey area at the top right of the picture...that is the parking lot. The railway ties just kept getting steeper and steeper all the way to the top! It was about here that I hit my "second wind" and pushed my wobbly legs all the way to the top!
Going Up! This is the "Stairway to Heaven!"
"The Incline"....A.K.A "Vomit Mountain"
Friday night I was invited to do "the incline" with a friend. Ok, so the incline is a mile straight up a mountain trail that used to be the old Cog Railway System to the top of Pike's Peak. You gain 2,000 feet in elevation in just a mile! The old railway ties are still there...you know, to make it even more of a butt kicker! Some parts of the trail your knee is just about to your nose because the railway ties are so steep! I seriously almost threw up about three times on the way up! I almost threw up again when I saw an "older" gentelman RUNNING up the trail! I have decided that this trail is probably one of the best ways to train for a marathon because my quads were pretty much screaming at me the entire way!
So Wayne accidentally bumped a box the other day and all of the sudden there were a million packing peanuts all over the carpet! Sam went CRAZY! He was rolling in them so much that it just created a big ball of static all over his fur! This picture kind of reminds me of the dog off of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." Poor Little Peanut shaped antlers and yes, that is one of them in his mouth!
"Citius, Altius, Fortius!" Go Wayne, Go!
On to Vancouver....and London!
I thought this "count-down" clock at the O.T.C was pretty dang cool! In case you "forget" how many days are left until the next Olympics, just come visit me in the Springs and I can take you to see the "count-down" clock for yourself!
US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs
Monday, October 20, 2008
ALL RIGHT! Here I am at the end of the Moab Half Marathon! It was about 15 degrees warmer this year than last which made for a great race! This makes the total 4 and 4. 4 Full marathons and 4 halfs! Can you see the excitement in my face?!
We Did it!!
My sister and I finished the race! This was her first half marathon and she did great! It was nice to have someone to talk to the whole time and to keep my mind of off the aches and pains that come with running! We enjoyed this one so much that we are already planning the April 2009 Salt Lake Marathon!
Under Corona Arch
Wayne Under the Arch
Once at the arch we took a break from the sun and heat by sitting in the shadow of the arch. Wayne loves to do anything and everything outside and this particular hike is one of his favorites in Southern Utah. Can you tell?
Beautiful Corona Arch!
As we came around a corner on the hike...there it was! Corona Arch! It stands over 200 feet tall and is probably the biggest arch I have ever seen in my life! The hike continues all the way around to the left of the arch and on to Bow-Tie Arch. Considering we had a half marathon to run the next day, we only went to Corona!
Secret Hideout!
Hiking to Corona Arch
On Saturday we hiked to Corona Arch. The two nephews did a great job considering it was a little warm and some parts of the hike were strenuous! my youngest nephew, Trevor, wanted to carry the camelback...it was about as big as he is!
Eating out at Zax Pizza!
On Friday night we went out to this all you can eat pizza buffet in Moab. Zax is a really good place for pizza if you are ever in that area! I can't even believe how many styles and flavors of pizza they have! How about "Honey Chicken?"...that by the way was the most AMAZING pizza I've ever had in my life! My nephew Trevor loved it as well....he also loved seeing his crazy uncle "Ween" as he says. Here they are just being goofy as can be!
Moab Half Marathon-Oct. 2008
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