Our Thanksgiving consisted of all the senior managers at Carmax and their wives. We all got together at our friend Steve's house and enjoyed a "pot luck" style Thanksgiving feast! Steve and his wife Liz were gracious enough to host the dinner and cook the turkey! Everyone brought something to share so we ended up with an abundance of yummy food! Michael Beane is the guy on the far left in this picture. This is Wayne's boss and no he did not shave his mustache either! His wife Bri is sitting to the right of him, followed by our friend Jess, her husband Pete, and their new friend from the military...I already forgot his name! Kim is sitting to the upper right from Michael and is a buyer for Carmax. Her boyfriend plays professional indoor arena football and is in California at the moment. The two bald guys on the bottom right of the picture are also managers...Robert and....I can't ever remember anyone's names! They are all awsome people though and so much fun to hang out with!
"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"
Agnes Repplier
"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."
Agnes Repplier
"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."