"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"

Agnes Repplier

"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."

Sunday, June 15, 2008

So Many Wildflowers!

There were so many wildflowers on the Waldo Canyon Trail! I snapped this photo of three different flowers sitting by each other. The red one is an indian paintbrush, the purpleish/blueish is called a bluebell, and the white is called a forrest daisy (or something similar to that!). I abolutely love taking pictures of wildflowers! I have a book that I look them up in when I get home from hiking. There are still so many more to discover and take photos of!

The Killer Yucca!

This is a Yucca plant. They only bloom once a year or once every two years. On the Waldo Canyon Trail I happened to cross by numerous ready-to-bloom yuccas. On the way down the trail I was going a little too fast and swinging my arms a little to far out to the side because when I gently brushed my hand alongside the pokey leaves, they jabbed into my fingers and hand! There were little holes all over my skin, each of them leaking a little blood! Although yuccas are really cool, they are also very deadly to the touch!

Peaceful Hiking...

This was just one of the few tree shaded sections on the trail. Once I walked into this "tunnel" it smelled like pine and clean, fresh air! The forrest floor was soft, which was a nice change from the limestone and sandstone you pass over as well!

Hiking Waldo Canyon

Yesterday I decided to go hiking in Waldo Canyon. Wayne had to work all day so I went solo on the 7 mile loop. This picture here is of Pike's Peak, and as you can see it is "bald" at the moment! The majority of the year there is snow on it, but in the mid to late summer it all melts away.
The hike itself was beautiful! It was full of so many wildflowers, hikers, and dogs! I was in the sun almost the enitre hike, having such a great time that I didn't realize I was getting sunburned!

They Both Love Guitar!

Same loves when Wayne plays his guitar and sings! He comes and sits right at Wayne's feet and just watches. The other day Wayne was singing in the car and Sam went crazy! He is going to fit right in in our family!

Cheap Entertainment!

Two days ago I let Sam rup into this box that Wayne had brought home from work. He absolutely loved it! He must have spent a good 45 minutes just chewing, growling, and pushing this box up and down the hallway! I finally had to take it away because he kept tearing little pieces off of it!

Sleepy Puppy!

The other day we couldn't find Sam. We were playing with
him and it went silent all of the sudden.
Wayne always says, "A quiet puppy is a bad puppy!" After searching all over, we finally found him curled up in our basket full of blankets. He had made himself right at home before taking a nap! We are trying to keep him out of the basket but he just looks too darn cute!