"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"

Agnes Repplier

"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Full Marathons....

The medal from the 2009 Salt Lake Marathon made the collection complete. I had just one more hook in the shadowbox that Wayne made me for Christmas 2 years ago and now that one is taken as well. All in all it totals 5 Full marathons, 4 Half marathons, 2 5K's, a 10K, 2 Free Beer glasses, and numerous free running shwag.....but who's counting? Each medal, each shirt, and each bib all bring back incredible memories and stories I will never forget. But I'm thinking I may need another shadowbox in the near future as I have not decided to retire my running shoes just yet!

Watch Me Cross the Finish Line of the 2009 SLC Marathon!

The feeling is amazing! You just can't describe it! Everyone watches as you put one foot in front of the other and just go! This is the part where you laugh, cry, and give giant high fives to everyone along the way! It's fantastic and I would do it again tomorrow....if only my poor legs would let me! :)

Parents with you Through it All...

I didn't actually see this happen as it was a few yards ahead of me, but I am so glad that my brother snapped a photo of it. This runner had exhausted everything she had within her, but never gave up the fight. Her parents carried her by her armpits the last half a mile as she inched along with one foot in front of the other. I caught up to her at the finish line only to see her collapse into a wheelchair and then be rushed into the medical tent. That girl is a trooper and a real hero. She could have easily given up and climbed into what I like to call the "dead body van," but her parents lifted her spirits even more by staying by her side until the end. They should all three be very proud...

Only .2 Miles to Go!!

My brother and his girlfriend Lara acted as my own personal photographers at the race. They did a fantastic job! It was so uplifting to see them here at mile 26...your legs are just all jello by that time and it's all about running with your heart. People will say that the last 6 miles of a marathon is all mental and I would have to totally agree! You get to a point where you look down at your legs and they are just on auto-pilot! It's the weirdest sensation! As I crossed the finish line I kind of got all teary-eyed....I always do! It's so cool to run down a tunnel of people cheering for you!

A Tasty Snack At Mile 14...

Last Saturday (April 18th) I participated in the 5th annual Salt Lake Marathon. The weather was fantastic and my family support was amazing! I hadn't trained as well as I would have liked to, but with a lot of faith and prayers I managed to jog across the finish line at 5 hrs and 3 minutes...not bad for someone who hadn't been running too much! I was quite proud myself for sticking through it all! I must say that I enjoyed every minute of it! The spectators were absolutely incredible! They provided me with much needed encouragement, ice cold water (ICE cold!), and even Swedish fish!

Remember this Dude??

Ok, so I was on my way home from work last week when I saw this guy on the corner promoting McDonald's. Do you remember him from the old McDonald's cookies boxes? I believe his name was Grimace...maybe. Anyhoo, it made me laugh so hard that I almost sat through an entire green light! He was shaking his big purple booty while waving his stubby arms in the air. I had just been through a pretty rough day at work so seeing this dancing purple blob cheered me up!

Go Team "Lugnuts!"

Yup, I said "Lugnuts!" That is the name of the Carmax softball team! Their shirts are fantastic!

Carmax Wifies! (Wife-eees!)

Carmax has a softball team here in the Springs. They just started at the beginning of April and are having a blast! They have only played two games total due to some insane weather we have had lately, but they just decided to play in a summer league as well! Here are a few of the wives and some of my good friends out here. From the left there is Jamie, Bri, Liz, and Maggie. We really enjoy getting together at the games and sharing all sorts of junk food while the boys play!

He Enjoyed Every Bite!

Yes, Sam is wearing a "Cars" party hat...after all it WAS his birthday!! :) He absolutely LOVED his cake! He did the little kid thing where you lick off all the frosting and then go to the cake (in this case it was a cookie!). There is a contest at the bakery where you can submit a photo of your dog eating his cake and win prizes...I think this one is a winner!

Happy Birthday Sam!!

On April 4th my puppy Sam turned 1 year old!! I know I am a little late in posting this, but life has been crazy! We went to a local dog bakery and helped him pick out a birthday cake! As you can see above, they even wrote his name on it!

Our Majestic Peak

To the west of our little city of Colorado Springs sits a 14,000 foot peak we like to call "Pike's Peak." I've been to the top and you are literally above the clouds! It's incredible to watch clouds form right in front of you and then roll down the rocky slopes. A couple weeks ago I was in Garden of the Gods snapping some photos when the peak caught my eye. The wind was whipping clouds around causing a beautiful scene...it reminded me somewhat of Mt. Everest! Of course I've never been there but it just seemed so incredible to think about!
The "line" in the trees that you see to the bottom left of the picture is the "Incline." I mentioned it before in my blog as it is a mile straight up trail complete with railroad ties! I have done it before (only once) and plan on hitting it again with some friends on Saturday mornings this Summer. Colorado is fantastic!

Four-legged Dishwasher!!

This is what Sam does when we load dirty dishes....he licks and licks and licks. He has to make sure that every last crumb, drop of syrup, or caked on chicken is licked off before he stops....and even then he doesn't stop! He'll watch as we put away clean dishes, but as soon as we start loading the dirty ones you can bet he will be there to help!

The Fancy Shmancy Camera!

I went on a walk with Sam a couple weeks ago and took along my new camera. I was snapping photos left and right when the stones along the sidewalk caught my eye. The color contrast turned out pretty cool in the pic!