"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"
Agnes Repplier "Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wildlife in the Park
We were only about three miles into the park when we spotted two female moose hanging out in the meadow. There were a ton of people snapping photos! We almost thought it was a bear because of all of the cameras! We watched them for a while as they sat there together and munched on whatever moose eat, and then casually went on their way across the meadow.
Trevor and Izack are my buddies! It was so great to see them in Moab!
What the "Q?"-America the Beautiful Park
I really don't know why this ginormous fountain is shaped like a "Q," but it is pretty awsome!
Me and Sam at Rampart Resevoir
On top of the World!
Wayne climbed on top of one of the awsome rock formations in Palmer Park and discovered a great view of Colorado Springs!
Salt Lake-July 2008
At the end of July I went back to Salt Lake to see my fam. I took my nephews Trevpr and Izacl to the swimming pool where we lounged around, played on the frog slide, and ate red and blue icees!
This is my dog passed out on our back seat after we wear him out!
"Grinny" and "Grandy"
My grandparents enjoyed sharing Christmas with us this year! They came all the way from Florida to freeze in the 18 degree weather in Star Valley!
Baby Bentley and Wayne
Wayne loves his nephew bentley. They are both alway so happy!
Josh and Brittain
These are just a couple of our nieces and nephews..I've lost track of just how many we have now!
Moab-October 2007
Wayne standing in front of Park Avenue. It's only a mile long nature walk, but definately very beautiful!
January 9, 2004
Wayne and I were married in the Bountiful, Utah temple coming up on 4 years ago. It's hard to believe it's been that long already...and I still like him!
Our Nephew Izack
Izack is a karate masta! He's pretty good with a bowstaff too. In this pic we are just hangin out at the cabin!
Our Nephew Trevor!
Check out my freakin' awsome nephew in his sweet goggles!
My Best Friend
Stud Muffin-A.K.A my husband Wayne. He keeps me laughing just about every second of the day. He enjoys rock climbing, camping, hiking, but most of all...riding his brand new mountain bike! Sometimes I think he loves it more than me!
2007 Salt Lake Marathon
We did it! My friend Wendy and I pose at the finish line of the 2007 Salt Lake Marathon. You would think that my 3rd marathon would be a little easier.....nope, still wanna puke at the end! It was SO worth it!
Moab-October 2006
We had a great time last Fall in Moab, Canyonlands, and Arches National Park. I ran the Moab 1/2 Marathon when we were there, but obviously took some detours along the way! Here we are in front of Corona Arch...the picture just doesn't do it any justice. It's HUGE!
Halloween 2007
FREEZE! Wayne and I recently attended a murder mystery dinner at our friend Shay's house. He was a Cop and I was the undercover agent! Turns out it was the magician who killed the cook in entertainment room....with his stupid magical powers.
Jeremy and Trevor
My brother and Trevor up at the Cabin-Christmas 2006
Backpacking-Mallard Lake Trail
It's me backpacking! Here I am on the trail up to Mallard Lake. There was a beautiful meadow behind me, perfect for deer although we never saw any!
Lower Falls-Yellowstone 2007
The Lower Falls were absolutely beautiful! It was quite a hike to get to this particular viewing area, but SO worth it!
Climbing in Maple Canyon
Maple Canyon (Near Nephi, UT) is a canyon completely devoted to rock climbers. We found a slot canyon and enjoyed "scrambling" through various tunnels and holes like this one!
Rock Climbing Lisa's Falls-Little Cottonwood Canyon
Wayne and I really enjoy rock climbing together! Here's Wayne having some fun on the Lisa's Falls route!
Alaska-August 2005
Hooray, we smell like fish! Alaska was so awsome! Here we are sporting our fashionable rain gear. Not only do you need it for the rain...but to protect you from flying fish guts as well!
"I Swear, It was THIS BIG!"
Oh Yeah! That's right, 109 pounds of pure delicous halibut! We were fishing for Yellow Eye when Wayne snagged this baby which made him happy as can be! (Halibut are very ugly and it took this chunk four hours to finally kill over!)
Fish On!
My entire family spent a week deep sea fishing in August of 2005. Here's my special catch...a 30 pound samlon! He tasted delicous!