"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"

Agnes Repplier

"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"The Incline"....A.K.A "Vomit Mountain"

Friday night I was invited to do "the incline" with a friend. Ok, so the incline is a mile straight up a mountain trail that used to be the old Cog Railway System to the top of Pike's Peak. You gain 2,000 feet in elevation in just a mile! The old railway ties are still there...you know, to make it even more of a butt kicker! Some parts of the trail your knee is just about to your nose because the railway ties are so steep! I seriously almost threw up about three times on the way up! I almost threw up again when I saw an "older" gentelman RUNNING up the trail! I have decided that this trail is probably one of the best ways to train for a marathon because my quads were pretty much screaming at me the entire way!