"We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh!"

Agnes Repplier

"Laugh as much as you breath, and love as long as you live..."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

YUP!......We Climbed it!!!

This is Montezumi's Castle. It is 125 feet tall and one of the many "Fins" that make up gigantic rock formations in Garden of the Gods. This climb was two pitches, meaning that the first person (lead climber) goes up and then secures to the first anchor to bely the second climber. In this case, our friend Dan was the lead climber, then Wayne, then me. You can see Wayne in this picture climbing a very hairy part of the fin. It is only about 12 inches apart at the widest and the first belay station will make you wet your pants! We all three climbined all the ay to the point just above Wayne's head in this picture, then repelled down to the right. It was seriously the best climb I have ever done...even though I am terrified of heights!